Naši partneri nam puno znače i želimo podijeliti s njima! Naš najveći kvalitet je fleksibilnost u sklapanju ugovora s našim partnerima, možemo ponuditi širok raspon planova nagrađivanja našim partnerima! Broj novih igrača koji polažu mjesečno:
Vrlo smo impresionirani našim poslovanjem s Chipstarom. Komunikacija je od prvog trenutka bila prvoklasna, a sam brend se stvarno prodaje igračima. Osim toga, uvjeti provizije su vrlo pošteni i uvijek nam je ponuđena marketinška pomoć kada je to bilo potrebno. Ukratko, Chipstars je vrlo pouzdan affiliation partner i više smo nego sretni što možemo dati čvrstu preporuku.
Predstavljanje Chipstars-a u mreži savršeno je za zajednicu kripto kockanja. Chipstars podržava nekoliko kriptovaluta i vredan je podrške zajednice. Drago nam je što promovišemo Chipstars i radujemo se što ćemo se dugo udruživati sa Chip Affiliates-om. proudly represents Chipstars Casino in over 23 languages and we cannot wait to launch this cooperation to the next level together.
Chipstars Affiliates je izuzetan tim profesionalaca i veoma smo zadovoljni našim partnerstvom. Oni pružaju odličnu korisničku podršku, zanimljive promocije i odlično ukupno iskustvo. Toplo preporučuje!
Zaista smo uživali u radu sa menadžerima podružnica kompanije Chipstars i njihovim značajnim brendom. Njihov tim je doista profesionalan, a mi smo zadovoljni nakon dogovora. Posebno je poštovanje igrača na visokom nivou.
A Casinolandia izražava najveće divljenje zbog izvrsnom ChipStars partnerskog programa i vrhunskim brendova koje nude izvanredno iskustvo igranja za igrače i partnere. Njihova nepokolebljiva predanost pružanju optimalnog zadovoljstva za obje strane doista je vrijedna pohvale. Casinolandia toplo preporučuje njihove usluge bez ikakvih problema.
Chipstars se pokazao kao izuzetna platforma za igranje, koja nudi impresivno i uzbudljivo iskustvo, s raznolikim rasponom igara i korisničkim interfejsom zbog kojeg se vraćam po još.
Chipstars Affiliates ima sjajnu ekipu i privlačnu affiliates mrežu. Na našoj web stranici sa zadovoljstvom promoviramo njihov brend. Topla preporuka!
Kao glavni urednik na, toplo preporučujem Chipstars Affiliates svakoj affiliate stranici koja želi povećati svoju zaradu. Njihov tim je uvek spreman da pomogne i brzo reaguje, a njihova platforma je prilagođena korisnicima. Uz Chipstars Affiliates, predviđamo uspješnu i zadovoljavajuću suradnju. / Mervyn Davids
Početak naše suradnje s tvrtkom Chipstars Affiliates oduševljava nas. Njihov tim nam je od samog početka pružio veliku podršku u postavljanju i davanju alata koji su nam potrebni da budemo uspješni. Radujemo se uspješnoj suradnju.
Chipstars Affiliates je cijenjena organizacija, poznata po svom izuzetnom timu i nepokolebljivoj predanosti pružanja usluga svojim partnerima brzo i učinkovito. Njihova evidencija pružanja vrlo konkurentnih stopa provizija, širokog spektra marketinških alata i personalizirane podrške affiliat-ima učvrstila je njihovu poziciju kao lidera u industriji. Oduševljeni smo što smo uspostavili partnerstvo s Chipstars Affiliat-ima, a njihova predanost našem zajedničkom uspjehu nadmašila je naša očekivanja. Očekujemo dobru i dugotrajnu suradnju.
Stvarno smo sretni što radimo s Chipstars-om i oni imaju vjerojatno jedan od najačih programa za kazina na internetu. Vidimo izvrsnu konverziju i dobru ponudu za igrače.
Mogu samo preporučiti suradnju s Chipstars-om, oni stvarno imaju jake brendove i videli smo nevjerojatne rezultate. Radujemo se što će ovo prerasti u partnerstvo na obostranu korist. Oni su uvijek bili izvrsni affiliate menadžeri iz ranijih partnerstava
Stvarno smo sretni što radimo s Chipstars-om, njihova konverzija je snažna i dokazali su veliku vrijednost igrača tijekom razdoblja u kojem smo ih promovirali.
Volimo Chipstars, oni imaju trenutno jedan od najboljih kripto kazina, možemo ih samo preporučiti.
Slotogate tim toplo preporučuje Chipstars Affiliates kao izvanredan tim profesionalaca. Nude prikladan sustav, visoke procente i održavaju stalnu komunikaciju s menadžerima. Dobili smo vrijednu podršku kad god je to bilo potrebno. Chipstars se ističe kao izuzetno pouzdan partner, zato sa velikim zadovoljstvom dajemo snažnu preporuku.
Zadovoljstvo je raditi s Affision-ima i njihov brend se pokazao kao izvrstan dodatak za nas na Austrijskom tržištu. A menadžeri su uvijek tu kako bi osigurali da se svi problemi koje imamo brzo riješe. "Jako smo sretni što radimo i promoviramo njihov brend i nadamo se dugoročnoj suradnji!" rekao je naš autor Philipp Ganster.
Zadovoljstvo nam je surađivati sa Chipstars partnerima. Nude veliki izbor kvalitetnih igara i sjajne bonuse uz profesionalnu podršku - upravo ono što naši igrači traže.
Zadovoljstvo nam je dodati Chipstars na naš popis preferiranih stranica na Ovo je izvrstan kripto kasino s velikim izborom igara i sigurni smo da će se svidjeti našim čitateljima. Radujemo se obostrano korisnom odnosu i vrlo rado preporučujemo Chipstars tim svima koji traže pouzdanog partnera
Upravo smo počeli surađivati s Chipstars-om. Brend izgleda obećavajuće i očekujemo sjajne rezultate iz ovog partnerstva. Komunikacija s njihovim timom funkcionira glatko i veoma uspešno.
Suradnja s Chipstars-om je za sada odlična. Tim ima visoku dostupnost podrške kada je to potrebno i vrlo je profesionalna. Očekujemo odlične rezultate partnerstva.
Chipstars Affiliates je pouzdan partner s kućnim ljubimcima, zadovoljstvo je poslovati sa njima, svaka se složenost rješava vrlo brzo, zahvaljujući kvalitetnoj podršci, a trenutna plaćanja su vrlo ugodna.
Vrlo smo zadovoljni našim novim partnerima u Chipstars Affiliates. Imaju kompetentne affiliate menadžere koji su od velike pomoći. Njihov brand iz Games & More, Chip Stars Casino, također je nevjerojatan i treba ga navesti na našoj stranici kockarnica Games & More B.V. Preporučujemo suradnju s Chipstars Affiliates!
Razgovori s Chipaffiliates od početka su išli lako i očito je da su ljudi koji tamo rade iskusni. Veselimo se vidjeti kako se to iskustvo pretvara u dobre pretvorbe i plodonosno partnerstvo kako napredujemo!
Naš tim na izuzetno uživa raditi s ChipAffiliates. Imaju neke od najboljih pružatelja igara u industriji i nude brza plaćanja, profesionalni tim za podršku, detaljnu statistiku i izvrsne marketinške alate.
Chipstars kazino je izvrstan i suradnja s chipstars affiliates olakšava njegovu promociju. Tim brzo reaguje i spreman je pomoći oko bilo kakvih problema s kojima se affiliates susreću.
Chipstars je izvrstan izbor kao Bitcoin kazino za sve affiliate. Sjajan brend, dobri bonusi, a affiliate tim je vrlo dobar za suradnju
This affiliate program Chipstars Affiliates has already managed to prove itself well. Convenient system, high interest, constant communication with managers! Professional, and dedicated, seem like an ideal partner. We look forward to everything that's in store for us!
Za The Gambler Bay, partnerstvo sa Chipstars-om je veoma važan korak. Chipstars je otelotvorenje funkcija koje su apsolutno neophodne za savremene partnerske programe. Igranje za pravi novac u onlajn kazinu je važan korak, a vi u potpunosti podržavate klijente svojih kazina!
Naši korisnici vole Chipstars gotovo jednako kao i mi! Mi u smo oduševljeni što smo uspostavili partnerstvo s ovim sjajnim pružateljem usluga i preporučujemo ga svima koji traže novu podružnicu!
Rad s timom u Chipstars Affiliates bio je kao svjež povjetarac. Registracija, linkovi i druga pitanja brzo su obavljeni ili na njih odgovoreno i omogućilo nam je da počnemo promovirati sveobuhvatno odredište za igre koje uključuje Casino, Sportsbook, Virtuals, eSports i Poker.
Naišli smo na Chipstars kada smo tražili novi dom za mjesečni Members Poker Tournament i pretvorio se u mnogo više, dodajući ih na naš kanal za streaming. Tim nas je brzo pokrenuo, pružajući usmjeravanje i veze za praćenje na putu dok je pripremao platformu za Poker turnir.
Mi u Casinos Analyzeru smo upravo počeli raditi s Chipstars partnerskim programom. Dali su nam sve potrebne informacije koje smo tražili u vezi s njihovim brendom i najbolje besplatne slotove. Njihove brend smatramo među najboljim online kockarnicama. Zadovoljstvo je raditi s ovako profesionalnim timom!
Chipstars je naš veoma osetljiv i veran partner. Njihovi pridruženi menadžeri su neverovatno profesionalni i marljivi. Dali su nam sve potrebne informacije koje smo tražili u vezi sa njihovim brendom. Radujemo se dugom i korisnom partnerstvu!
Sjajno je biti dio Chipstars Casina. Nude sjajan portfelj robnih marki koji podupiru sjajni ljudi. Mi na ih toplo preporučujemo.
Chipstars Affiliates i tim koji stoji iza njih su nam u BestCrypto.Casinu sjajan spoj jer su brzi u odgovaranju, dobili su lijepu marku i nude puno kriptovaluta za svoje igrače, veliki palac gore! je uzbuđena zbog suradnje s Chipstars Casino Affiliates. Chipstars casino je pravi izbor za našu publiku. Planovi provizije su visoki i njihov tim vam uvijek stoji u pomoći. Radujemo se uspješnom dugoročnom partnerstvu.
Jedan od naših najboljih izbora od samog početka. Sjajan affiliate program i strašan tim za podršku čine Chipstars casino neprocjenjivim partnerom Gamblineersima.
Mi u SlotCatalogu tek smo započeli suradnju s Chipstarsom, ali možemo definitivno reći da će to biti dugotrajno partnerstvo. Naši se timovi razumiju iz pola riječi i vrlo je lako doći do zaključka. Stoga toplo preporučujemo Chipstars za uspostavljanje partnerstva!
Chipstars affiliates jedna je od najboljih kasina podružnica u industriji. Njihov tim je brz i pouzdan, cijene su izvrsne i uvijek plaćaju na vrijeme.
Chipstars podružnice pružit će vam najvišu razinu usluge. Menadžeri će vrlo brzo riješiti sve vaše zahtjeve i spremni su vam pružiti najbolje uvjete. Ako promovirate Bitcoin Casino, Chipstars morate imati na vašem popis.
Zadovoljstvo je raditi s Chipstars Affiliates, njihov brend kao što je Chipstars je vrhunski online casino u Kanadi, koji kanadskim igračima nudi više načina plaćanja i vrhunski bonus dobrodošlice.
Rad s Chipstars pridruženim tvrtkama istovremeno je praktičan i lak. Volimo njihovu marku. Nevjerojatni bonusi dobrodošlice upravo su ono što treba svakom kupcu. Njihov tim podružnica služi i sastoji se od profesionalaca visoke razine.
Zadovoljstvo je raditi s Chipstars Affiliates, njihov brend Chipstars je vrhunski online casino u Estoniji, koji estonskim igračima nudi Visa način plaćanja i vrhunski bonus dobrodošlice.
Impresionirani smo timom Chipstarsa. Vrlo su ljubazni, profesionalni i odgovorni. Brend također obećava. Ima nešto što drugi ne mogu ponuditi. Veselimo se ovom obećavajućem partnerstvu.
Toplo preporučujemo podružnice jer je njihov proizvod vrlo jedinstven i vrhunski u različitim GEOS-ima. Osim toga, tim je uvijek spreman pomoći s novim idejama i kampanjama kako bi svaki mjesec dobio najveću snagu.
From the moment we joined as an affiliates, the ChipAffiliates team has been incredibly supportive and responsive. They provided us with all the necesssary marketing tools and resources to promote their platform effectively. The partnership dashboard is user-friendly, so huge tanks from BonusFanatic team.
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Chipstars is one of the best and most trusted affliate team we've had the pleasure of working together with. They also offer one of the most promising brands we've promoted here at and we hope to achieve many more great things in the future.
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We're so happy that we finally started working together with Chipstars. We've had nothing but positive interactions, and im sure we'll be working for many years moving forward.
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At, we are thrilled to be working with Chipstars. Their team's professionalism, dedication and expertise in the Crypto Betting industry are second to none. We are continually impressed by their commitment to excellence and are excited about our future collaborations. We highly recommend Chipstars for their reliable and high-quality service.
Our collaboration with Chipstars on has been an absolute pleasure. Their team's professionalism and deep understanding of the Crypto Casino and Betting industry have made our partnership a success. is proud to be associated with such a trusted brand and we highly recommend Chipstars.
Our partnership with Chipstars has been nothing short of exceptional. Their team's professionalism and dedication are truly commendable, making our collaboration on a breeze. The level of expertise they bring to the table in the Crypto Betting industry is unparalleled. We are thrilled to be working with such a trusted brand and look forward to our continued success together.
We are very pleased with our newest established partnership with Chipstars Affiliates. Their brand is exceptional and the affiliate team is always ready to respond and proficient. We totally recommend them for their professionalism and expertise.
Lucrative Collaboration: Partnering with Chipstars Partners has been a highly lucrative collaboration, as their competitive commission rates and top-performing brands have significantly boosted my earnings in the iGaming industry.
Trustworthy Partner: Chipstars Partners has proven to be a trustworthy partner, consistently delivering on their promises, providing transparent reporting, and prioritizing the success and satisfaction of their affiliates.
Exceptional Affiliate Support: Chipstars Partners goes above and beyond with their exceptional affiliate support, offering prompt and personalized assistance, valuable insights, and proactive optimization strategies to help me achieve outstanding results.
Exclusive Brand Portfolio: Chipstars Partners grants access to an exclusive portfolio of high-converting casino brands, giving me a competitive advantage and the ability to target different player preferences, resulting in higher conversions and retention rates.
Transparent and Reliable: Chipstars Partners maintains a transparent and reliable partnership, ensuring accurate tracking, timely payments, and clear communication, which has fostered trust and a solid foundation for our long-term collaboration.
Dedicated Affiliate Managers: Chipstars Partners assigns dedicated affiliate managers who provide valuable guidance, continuous support, and customized marketing solutions, enabling me to maximize my earnings and optimize my campaigns.
Innovative Marketing Tools: Chipstars Partners equips me with innovative marketing tools, including eye-catching banners, optimized landing pages, and data-driven strategies, empowering me to effectively promote their brands and increase conversions.
Profitable Collaboration: Collaborating with Chipstars Partners has proven to be highly profitable, as their brands deliver exceptional player value, resulting in substantial revenue growth and long-term success.
Trustworthy Partnership: Chipstars Partners has earned my trust through their reliable tracking, timely payments, and transparent practices, creating a mutually beneficial and trustworthy partnership.
Conversion-Focused Approach: Chipstars Partners takes a conversion-focused approach, providing optimized marketing materials, player incentives, and targeted campaigns that maximize player acquisition and retention.
Competitive Commission Structure: Chipstars Partners offers a competitive commission structure, ensuring that I am fairly compensated for my efforts and incentivizing me to drive more traffic and conversions.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Chipstars Partners leverages cutting-edge technology to track and analyze performance, providing valuable data insights and empowering me to make data-driven decisions for optimal results.
Tailored Partnership Solutions: Chipstars Partners understands the unique needs of affiliates and provides tailored partnership solutions, allowing for flexibility and customization to maximize success.
Global Market Reach: Chipstars Partners provides access to a global market, allowing me to reach and monetize audiences from various countries, expanding my earning potential.
Outstanding Conversion Rates: Chipstars Partners' brands boast outstanding conversion rates, attracting high-quality players who convert and retain, resulting in consistent revenue growth.
Industry Experience: Chipstars Partners brings a wealth of industry experience to the table, offering valuable insights, market trends, and expertise that have been instrumental in my success as an affiliate marketer.
Collaborative Success: Chipstars Partners fosters a collaborative environment, actively seeking feedback, valuing affiliate input, and working together to achieve mutual success in the competitive iGaming industry.
We collaborated with Chipstars.Bet Partners on more than a few occasions, and so far we have been nothing but thrilled. Our manager has always been responsive and eager to help, and the results exceeded our expectations.
Working together with Chipstars.Bet has been very successful. Their affiliate managers are incredibly skilled and shares the same values as ourselves, that's why we're really happy to be working together with them
Chipstars.Bet without a doubt one of the best affiliate programs that you can find. The affiliate team is wonderful, professional and regardful. They are always at your disposal and here to assist you. We recommend them!
We highly recommend ChipstarsBet for their exceptional service, prompt payments, effective communication, and diverse brand portfolio. Their team is highly skilled and detail-oriented, ensuring a seamless experience for their partners.
We are delighted to establish a partnership with ChipstarsBet, who have demonstrated exceptional professionalism and outstanding support from the beginning. Their impressive conversion rates speak volumes about the quality of their products.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with ChipstarsBet. Their top-notch casino brands offer the best player experience and conversion rates. We highly recommend incorporating their casino portfolio on your website.
Dimitrje from was in charge for our account and he made our journey a successful story! We are looking forward to a fruitful partnership!
We have recently started working with and we are amazed by how smooth everything go! Very friendly and helpful team, always here to answer all our questions! We recommend!
Teaming up with Chipstars Affiliates has been a great experience for us. Their team's remarkable responsiveness and guidance is invaluable. Chipstars ensures a mutually beneficial partnership with fair terms, which is rare for newcomers like us. We are optimistic and excited for a long, fruitful collaboration.
As we look to grow our products rapidly in our target markets, we’re constantly on the look out for compatible partners to help us. The team at Chipstars have supported our launch efforts and we’re looking forward to doing more business with them.
We have only positive experiences about Chipstars.Bet Partners, which has great casino brands and professional, helpful affiliate managers. We highly recommend Chipstars.Bet as a partner!
If you're an affiliate marketer looking to take your earnings to new heights, I highly recommend joining Chipstars Affiliates. Their commitment to excellence, top-notch offers, and unwavering support have undoubtedly made a remarkable difference in my online business. I can't thank them enough for the fantastic opportunities and results they've provided me. Chipstars Affiliates is a winning choice for any serious affiliate marketer!
Chipstars offers an exceptional online casino experience for our Australian gamblers. They provide superb bonuses, accept cryptocurrency payments, and offer exclusive deals not seen on competitor sites. Our players have consistently expressed their love for our casino. The affiliate managers are responsive and a pleasure to collaborate with. We look forward to a fruitful partnership for many years to come.
Since Chipstars accepts cryptocurrency payments, we are proud to showcase them on our Swedish crypto site. Listing Chipstars was an obvious choice given their generous bonuses and outstanding customer support. Whenever we have a question or encounter an issue, the affiliate managers respond promptly, often within minutes. Thanks, guys!
Every step of our journey with Chip Stars has been about amplifying the values COC holds dear, ensuring the best for our community." Link should go to
We at are very excited to work with the brand new Chipstars Casino. The design looks very clean and they have absolutely incredible promotions. We are confident that our partnership is looking at a bright future!
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ChipAffiliates is a great partner choice. We look forward to continuing a positive working relationship with their team and brand in the future. We recommend ChipAffiliates to everyone!
Chipstars Partner offers a great affiliate program. The commission plan is competitive, and the platform is really user-friendly. You get all the statistics you need and the affiliate managers are very helpful. To promote Chipstars is something that we can recommend to other affiliates in this industry. We really see our partnership with Chipstars as a long-term commitment
Asia t&f - We've just started working with Chipstars and everything works fine. We quickly got an account, logos, and banners. Smooth cooperation.
Chipstars is a great addition to our crypto related site. They have professional affiliate managers and we are very pleased working with them. They provide exclusive promotions and great value for our site. highly recommend them!
Chipstars have a great team of affiliate managers and we are very pleased working with them. They provide excellent support, lucrative promotions and great value for our site. highly recommend them!
With Chipstars Affiliates as our partner, we are confident in our continued success. Their brands and support are second to none
We wholeheartedly recommend Chipstars Affiliates for their professionalism and outstanding brands. They have been a key player in our growth
The dedication and expertise of Chipstars Affiliates have been instrumental in our partnership's success. They are a true asset to our business.
Working with Chipstars Affiliates has been a pleasure. Their brands and team make them a top choice for any affiliate program.
The collaboration with Chipstars is an absolute pleasure and a game-changer for KasinoBoni. From the very beginning, their team demonstrated professionalism, innovation, and a deep understanding of the industry
Chipstars Affiliate has been instrumental in helping us re-launch our [GEO] site. Their experienced Chipstars Affiliate department helped us bring back and monetize our old players. We appreciate their commitment to excellence and ability to provide us with the best brands and responsible managers. With their help, we were able to take our site to the next level and achieve great success. We highly recommend Chipstars Affiliate to anyone looking for a reliable and effective affiliate program.
Chipstars Affiliate has been an amazing partner for us. Their creativity and originality are what set them apart from other affiliate programs. This reliable company offers customers excellent support and quick competent answers at any time. Thanks to the individual approach, they can analyze every detail that directly affects the success of our website.
Chipstars Affiliate has been an incredible experience for us. We appreciate their approach, which helped us achieve new success levels. Their timely payments and excellent management skills set them apart from other affiliate programs. With their help, we could identify and overcome our weaknesses and turn them into strengths. We highly recommend Chipstars Affiliate to anyone looking for a reliable and effective affiliate program.
Chipstars have been a great partner from the start of our cooperation. Feedback has always been fast and competent, and they come up with great ideas like tailored promotions to help kickstart improved conversion. If you are looking for a casino partner in the affiliate business, Chipstars is definitely a place to go.
We are impressed with the cooperation with Chipstars. We are a young project, and we were offered excellent conditions for cooperation and a high interest rate. The support is at a high level. In short, Chipstars is a reliable affiliate partner. We recommend it for both affiliates and players.
Chipstars exceeded our expectations with its seamless user interface, diverse game selection, and prompt customer support. The platform's reliability and engaging gaming experience make it my top choice for online entertainment. Highly recommended!
Partnering with Chipstars Affiliates has been a pivotal move for, thanks to their unparalleled support and extensive game selection. Their commitment to providing top-notch marketing materials has greatly enhanced our promotional efforts. The vast array of over 10000+ slots games ensures a diverse and engaging player experience. Moreover, Chipstars Affiliates' reputation as a trusted brand in the industry adds significant value to our portfolio. We wholeheartedly recommend their services for a robust and dynamic online gaming presence.
Chipstars Affiliates has always given us great support and their brand is good for the players. We recommend them.
Chipstars Affiliates give their partners significant assistance in all issues. Their affiliate team of professionals are 5/5 + their brand converts very well. Highly recommend!
As affiliates for Arabic countries we at Best Bookmakers Online are very pleased to add a new brand to our casino list. We hope for great results and mutually beneficial cooperation.
Having achieved record income after partnering up with Chipstars and pushing the casino, we couldn’t be any happier. We don’t know what their team is doing, but the way non-depositors are converted and retained is simply amazing. Our payouts are also always received on time, which is worth highlighting. All in all, 5 out 5 stars!
Chipstars' affiliate manager is incredibly responsive, ensuring seamless communication. With their innovative tools and competitive commissions, partnering with Chipstars has been both lucrative and enjoyable. I highly recommend them to any affiliate seeking a reliable iGaming partnership.
We have just recently started working with Chipstars Affiliates but we already can tell that this is a great Partner. Chipstars is a nice brand and we are happy to promote it. Their team is very professional and it’s easy to agree on good deals. We definitely recommend partnering up with them!
Chipstars Affiliates has exceeded our expectations in every aspect. From the outset, their communication has been stellar, ensuring a seamless partnership experience. The brand's appeal speaks volumes to our players, effortlessly capturing their attention. Moreover, the commission terms are fair, and their readiness to assist with marketing is commendable. Chipstars proves to be a trustworthy affiliate partner, earning our wholehearted recommendation.
Delivering great bonuses for all our players this is a great fit for No Deposit Casino Guide.
Our working experience with ChipStars has been fun and productive over a long period of time. The high conversions that their system brings are remarkable, and their team knows exactly what they are doing. BetZillion is definitely happy to keep working with them in the future, as they are one of the best.
I'm happy to share that our collaboration with Chipstars Affiliates has been nothing short of excellent. Their affiliate managers are friendly, approachable, and always available to lend a helping hand. Besides, their brand's broad range of casino banking options is a perfect fit for our audience. I highly recommend partnering with Chipstars Affiliates.
Chipstars is a reliable partner that we highly recommend. Right from the get-go, it was made apparent to us that they value affiliates highly and aim to build strong partnerships that both parties get the best of. Deals are competitive, payments always on time, and support available in an instant.
Pouzdani brend
Kao ljudi koji su bili igrači, znamo koliko je povjerenje važno. Naša platforma je izgrađena na temelju poštenog igranja i poštenih odnosa s našim partnerima i to je ono što naša zajednica voli na Chipstarsu!
Visoka provizija
Naši partneri nam puno znače i želimo podijeliti s njima! Dokaz za to je naša provizija koja može biti i do 45%! Naš kvalitet je i fleksibilnost u sklapanju ugovora s našim partnerima!
Marketing alat
Tim Chisptarsa je mlad, ali strastven! Našim partnerima možemo ponuditi najbolju moguću podršku. Kao naš partner, možete tražiti bilo koji raspoloživi materijal koji želite!
Brza isplata
Vaš udio na Chipstarsu stići će vam u rekordnom roku, na taj način gradimo povjerenje među nama. Cijenimo vaš trud i to vam pokazujemo našim isplatama!
Sigurnost je naš glavni cilj i za naše igrače i za partnere. Kada ste na Chipstarsu, možete se sigurno kladiti na jednu stvar, sigurni ste!
10000+ Slot igara
Imamo neke od najpopularnijih provajdera na tržištu i stalno dodajemo nove jer nam je cilj imati najbolju ponudu na tržištu!
To je partnerski program, gde kupci mogu zaraditi novac upućivanjem igrača. Kada se pridružite partnerskom programu, možete zaraditi novac upućivanjem klijenata na Chipstars, bilo preko vaše veb stranice ili direktno. Nudimo udeo u prihodu koji generišu igrači
Sve što treba da uradite je da se prijavite na naš website. Kada završite sa aktivacijom naloga, videćete veze za praćenje i izveštaje.
Pridruživanje našem partnerskom programu je 100% besplatno.
Da ti to možeš. Kupce možete dobiti na različite načine. Možemo vam dati sve marketinške alate za promovisanje Chipstarsa.
Svaki put kada igrač klikne na Chipstars sa jedne od vaših linkova ili banera, „kolačić“ se postavlja na njegov računar. To znači da kada se registruju, možemo videti vaš jedinstveni kod i moći ćemo da dodelimo tog igrača vašem pridruženom nalogu. Zatim ćete zaraditi udeo u prihodu svaki put kada taj igrač bude aktivan u Chipstarsu.